Open up sacred space by calling upon your higher self 3x “ I AM THAT I AM “
Call upon all your guides : Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Galactic Family of Light, Ancestors and any other special beings of light that you work with.
When we use the statement I AM THAT I AM. This activates your I AM presense. Your I am presence is your own Individualized Presence of God.
It is the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual aspects of your being. It is also your connection to Source or God Consciousness, it is your ability to manifest and co create with the world around you.
There are many different etheric beings who have specific roles and work with different specialties of energies. You can call upon them as friends who are here to lovingly support you in your journey of life. As you begin to build a relationship with them you will understand more in depth of how they work with you specifically.