Hape is a very sacred natural plant medicine from the Brazilian Amazon. When coming to this medicine with prayer and intention, one might find it to :
Relieve anxiety, stress and depression. Calm the nervous system. Clear mental confusion and negative thoughts. Help with meditation and quiets the mind . Clears the energy field. Increases physical, energetic and emotional vitality. Brings in greater clarity and connection with the self.
New Limited Edition Nukini Rose Hape’. Our unique blend is different to any other Nukini Rose out there with a stronger unique Rose essence that channels the divine feminine energy straight to your heart. This isn’t just any Hapé; it’s a one-of-a-kind experience that soothes, aligns, and empowers. Embrace this powerful heart opening medicine.
Pre-order now—quantities are limited!
Our best selling Hape'. Originally named Warrior Heart Hape' ™ by our founder, Shaundra Hyre and now faked and copied by many other Hape' brands. This is the original one and only.